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About Emind maps

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014
Posted by Unknown
Have you ever studied a subject or brainstormed an idea, only to find yourself with pages of information, but no clear view of how it fits together?
This is where Mind Mapping can help you.
Mind Mapping is a useful technique that helps you learn more effectively, improves the way that you record information, and supports and enhances creative problem solving.
By using Mind Maps, you can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject. You can see the way that pieces of information fit together, as well as recording the raw facts contained in normal notes.
More than this, Mind Maps help you remember information, as they hold it in a format that your mind finds easy to recall and quick to review.

About Mind Maps

Mind Maps were popularized by author and consultant, Tony Buzan. They use a two-dimensional structure, instead of the list format conventionally used to take notes.
Mind Maps are more compact than conventional notes, often taking up one side of paper. This helps you to make associations easily, and generate new ideas  . If you find out more information after you have drawn a Mind Map, then you can easily integrate it with little disruption.
More than this, Mind Mapping helps you break large projects or topics down into manageable chunks, so that you can plan effectively without getting overwhelmed and without forgetting something important.
A good Mind Map shows the "shape" of the subject, the relative importance of individual points, and the way in which facts relate to one another. This means that they're very quick to review, as you can often refresh information in your mind just by glancing at one. In this way, they can be effective mnemonics – remembering the shape and structure of a Mind Map can give you the cues you need to remember the information within it.
When created using colors and images or drawings, a Mind Map can even resemble a work of art!


Mind Maps are useful for:
  • Brainstorming   – individually, and as a group.
  • Summarizing information, and note taking.
  • Consolidating information from different research sources.
  • Thinking through complex problems.
  • Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject.
  • Studying and memorizing information.

Drawing Basic Mind Maps

To draw a Mind Map, follow these steps:
1. Write the title of the subject you're exploring in the center of the page, and draw a circle around it. This is shown by the circle marked in figure 1, below.
(Our simple example shows someone brainstorming actions needed to deliver a successful presentation.)

Figure 1

Example Mind Map: Step 1
2. As you come across major subdivisions or subheadings of the topic (or important facts that relate to the subject) draw lines out from this circle. Label these lines with these subdivisions or subheadings. (See figure 2, below.)

Figure 2

Example Mind Map: Step 2
3. As you "burrow" into the subject and uncover another level of information (further subheadings, or individual facts) belonging to the subheadings, draw these as lines linked to the subheading lines. These are shown in figure 3.

Figure 3

Example Mind Map: Step 3
4. Then, for individual facts or ideas, draw lines out from the appropriate heading line and label them. These are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Example Mind Map: Step 4
5. As you come across new information, link it in to the Mind Map appropriately.
A complete Mind Map may have main topic lines radiating in all directions from the center. Sub-topics and facts will branch off these, like branches and twigs from the trunk of a tree. You don't need to worry about the structure you produce, as this will evolve of its own accord.


While drawing Mind Maps by hand is appropriate in many cases, software tools and apps like MindGeniusiMindMap, and Mindjet can improve the process by helping you to produce high quality Mind Maps, which you can then easily edit or redraft. (Click here for a full list of Mind Map software.)

Using Mind Maps Effectively

Once you understand how to take notes in Mind Map format, you can develop your own conventions for taking them further. The following suggestions can help you draw impactful Mind Maps:
  • Use Single Words or Simple Phrases – Many words in normal writing are padding, as they ensure that facts are conveyed in the correct context, and in a format that is pleasant to read.
    In Mind Maps, single strong words and short, meaningful phrases can convey the same meaning more potently. Excess words just clutter the Mind Map.
  • Print Words – Joined up or indistinct writing is more difficult to read.
  • Use Color to Separate Different Ideas – This will help you to separate ideas where necessary. It also helps you to visualize the Mind Map for recall. Color can help to show the organization of the subject.
  • Use Symbols and Images – Pictures can help you to remember information more effectively than words, so, where a symbol or picture means something to you, use it. (You can use photo libraries like iStockPhoto to source images inexpensively.)
  • Using Cross-Linkages – Information in one part of a Mind Map may relate to another part. Here you can draw lines to show the cross-linkages. This helps you to see how one part of the subject affects another.

Visual Example

Click on the thumbnail below for a great example of a Mind Map that has high visual impact:
Example Mind Map

Link Games online melatih Bahasa Inggris Anak

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014
Posted by Unknown
Hello, Good morning Readers
Game ternyata tida selamanya berdampak buru pada anak, ada beberapa game yang sangat baik terutama untuk melatih bahasa inggris anak, seperti yang telah kita ketahui sebelumnya, game memiliki peranan yang penting untuk perkembangan mental dan pola fikir anak, lalu apakah game selama ini yang mereka mainkan sudah memiliki tujuan untuk melatih daya fikirnya?.

berikut adalah game Online interactive untuk anak.
untuk memainkan klik linknya.

1.Search Words
Seperti judulnya kita dimungkinkan untuk mencari kata kata secara acak, di link ini adalah untuk mencari nama peralatan dapur, game ini sangat baik untuk melatih vocabulaty anak.
Mainkan disini

2.Put it on Shelf
Game ini bagaimana kita meletakkan benda benda pada tempatnya, game yang sangat sederhana namun sangat baik untuk anak.
Mainkan disini

3. Sudoku
Apa yang terlintas jika mendengar kata Sudoku, tentunya permainan tentang angka angka, yang menyenangkan, namun kali ini game sudoku menjadi menyenangkan karena ada icon icon yang sangat lucu dan menarik
Mainkan disini

Well itulah tadi game game yang sangat baik untuk anak, semoga bermanfaat, sampai ketemu di postingan berikutnya :)

Ular Tangga Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014
Posted by Unknown
Tentunya waktu kita masih anak anak dulu pernah atau bahkan menggemari permainan ular tangga,  ya sebuah permainan yg berupa kerta dan dadu untuk bermain ini ternyata termasuk permainan yang menyenangkan, bermain ular tangga untuk menghibur diri sangat menyenangkan, dan hal yang biasa.lalu bahgaimana jika permainan ini kita masukkan untuk belajar bahasa inggris, apakah bisa?.simak artikel berikut ini.

Gb. 1. Hasil permainan ular tangga yang dikembangkan oleh salah satu kelompok siswa.
Dengan permainan ular tangga di atas, dengan bimbingan guru setiap kelompok siswa bermain dengan kelompoknya, jika bertemu dengan kotak pertanyaan maka siswa harus mengambil kartu pertanyaan dan menjawab pertanyaan tersebut jika siswa mampu menjawab maka akan mendapat reward yang tertulis di balik  kartu pertanyaan, dan jika siswa tidak mampu menjawab maka akan mendapat  chalange  (tantangan) yang tertulis di balik kartu pertanyaan.

Gb. 2  Salah satu contoh kartu pertanyaan yang dibuat oleh siswa.
Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut, ternyata banyak hal yang didapat oleh siswa. Antara lain, siswa mampu meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata kerja dan mampu menuliskan, mengucapkan, dan membuat kalimat dengan baik dan benar ketika siswa secara aktif membuat pertanyaan dan menjawab pertanyaan dari siswa lainnya; nilai bahasa Inggrisnya pun meningkat; kreatifitas siswa berkembang karena ketika siswa membuat ular tangga tersebut siswa bisa berkreasi melalui berbagai bentuk pewarnaan, gambar, dan lain sebagainya. Siswa menjadi berani dan sportif karena dalam permainan tersebut jika ada siswa yang salah menjawab pertanyaan harus berani menghadapi tantangan. Selain itu hal yang terpenting juga dalam permainan ini adalah ada unsur permainan yang menyenangkan bagi siswa.
Posted by Unknown
Bermacam tekhnik agar belajar - mengajar untuk young learners lebih menyenangkan, termasuk dalam sebuah permainan, berikut adalah daftar permainan yg sangat cocok dalam pengajaran untuk young learners, lets check it out 

1. Action Game

Anak-anak menirukan gerakan yang disebutkan dalam cerita. Misalnya untuk cerita The Very Hungry Caterpillar (lihat lampiran untuk teks lengkap dan saksikan dalam seminar bentuk fisik bukunya) karangan Eric Carle (bisa di-download dari website pribadi Eric Carle), kita bisa mereviu kembali siklus metamorfosis kupu-kupu dengan melakukan hal berikut ini:
Telur: suruh anak-anak memegang lutut mereka dan jongkok serta melingkarkan tubuh mereka seakan-akan mereka adalah telur.
Ulat: bergerak-geraklah dan menggeliut seperti ulat.
Kepompong: merangkak menuju sleeping bag (atau kalau tidak ada bisa diganti dengan sarung) dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam kain berwarna-warni.
Kupu-kupu: anak-anak muncul dari dalam sarung tersebut dengan mengibas-ngibaskan kain-kain berwarna-warni tersebut seakan-akan mereka adalah kupu-kupu yang baru saja menetas dari kepompong.

2. What’s missing?

Permainan ini dapat digunakan untuk menghapalkan kosakata yang baru saja dipelajari/disebutkan dalam cerita namun tidak dengan „menghapal tradisional‟. Caranya adalah dengan menggunakan gambar yang ditempelkan pada papan tulis. Jumlah gambarnya bisa disesuaikan dengan jumlah siswa tapi sebaiknya batasi sampai dengan 10 gambar. Mintalah anak-anak untuk melihat gambar-gambar tersebut dan berusaha mengingatnya kemudian minta mereka menutup mata sementara itu ambillah beberapa gambar di papan. Kemudian minta mereka untuk membuka mata kembali dan menyebutkan apa yang hilang. Tanyakan “What‟s missing?” pada salah satu anakkemudian ajukan pertanyaan lanjutan dengan “Is he or she right?” Apabila jumlah siswa dalam kelas banyak maka mereka bisa dibagi dalam dua kelompok dan lakukan prosedur seperti di atas secara bergantian oleh tim-tim tersebut. Setiap kali seorang anak dari sebuah tim menjawab dengan benar maka tim tersebut mendapat poin.

3. Simon says

Gambar-gambar yang tadi dibuat untuk permainan di atas (2) bisa dipakai pula untuk permainan ini. Caranya: “Simon says show me a plum!” “Simon says put the plum down‟” “Simon says put the oranges in the basket”

4. Hide and Seek

Seorang anak diminta untuk meninggalkan kelas sementara yang lainnya menyembunyikan sebuah barang. Kemudian anak tersebut diminta kembali dan menerka di mana barang tersebut disembunyikan. Contoh: “Is it under the table?” Kegiatan ini bisa digunakan untuk melatih penggunaan preposition dan kata benda (noun).

5. Miming

Seorang anak dapat memperagakan seekor binatang, pekerjaan, atau apa saja yang dia pilih, teman-teman lain harus menerka apa yang sedang mereka peragakan tersebut. Contoh: “Is it …..?” “Are you a ….?”

6. bingo

siapkan gambar dan gantungkan pada papan. Kemudian siapkan grid (tabel berisi 9 kotak/3X3). Mintalah anak-anak untuk memilih beberapa gambar yang digantung pada papan tadi dalam kotak yang sudah disiapkan tadi. Satu kotak satu gambar berbeda. Setelah siap, tunjuk salah satu gambar di papan sercara acak dan katakanlah “This is a….”. mintalah anak-anak untuk melihat tabel mereka dan jika mereka memiliki gambar tersebut maka mereka harus mengatakan “I‟ve got a…” kemudian menutup kotak tersebut dengan kertas/dadu/dll. Anak yang berhasil menutup seluruh kotaknya adalah pemenang permainan Bingo ini.

7. Whisper race

Anak-anak dibagi ke dalam beberapa tim. Salah satu anak dari setiap tim diberi daftar kata-kata yang harus mereka hapalkan kemudian whisper (berbisik) pada teman di belakangnya kata-kata tersebut. Kemudian anak berikutnya harus melakukan hal yang sama sampai pada anak terakhir dalam tim. Kemudian anak yang terakhir tadi harus melihat daftar aslinya dan membandingkan apa saja yang hilang atau berubah.

8. Market game

Seorang anak memulai permainan ini dengan mengatakan “I went to market and bought a pie.” Anak berikutnya harus melanjutkan dengan menambahkan satu benda lagi pada kalimat tersebut. “I went to market and bought a pie and chocolate cake.” Lakukan hal serupa untuk anak berikutnya. Kesimpulan Kegiatan yang menyenangkan melalui games merupakan keniscayaan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak, namun perlu diperhatikan jangan sampai kita terjebak dalam kondisi “yang penting anak senang dan rame”. Selalu perhatikan proses pembelajaran dan pemerolehan bahasa yang bisa dikembangkan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, salah satunya dengan cara membuat lesson plan yang direncanakan secara matang dengan memperhatikan latar belakang dan kondisi siswa.

Sources : http://fandy-trk.blogspot.com/2011/01/games-untuk-pembelajaran-bahasa-inggris.html

Video to teach Young Learner

Posted by Unknown
This first article will give an introduction to some of the issues surrounding video with young learners. It will discuss the benefits but also the potential drawbacks of using video, the different roles video can take and then present criteria for selecting videos. 
Some ideas for the kinds of video suitable for young learners are also given.

The second article 'Video and young learners 2' will take a look at pre-viewing, while-viewing and post-viewing video activities and will be supported by 3 lesson plans illustrating these activities.
  • What are the benefits of using video in the classroom
  • Drawbacks
  • Role of video
  • Criteria for selecting video
  • Video types
  • Further reading and bibliography

What are the benefits of using video in the classroom?
Learners aged 3 - 8
  • Children enjoy language learning with video
    • 'One of the aims of teaching English to young children is to instil in them the idea that language learning is a happy experience, and video creates an attractive enjoyable learning environment.' Tomalin (1991: 48)
  • Video is an effective way of studying body language
    • Younger language learners are still learning about the world around them.
  • Children gain confidence through repetition
    • Young children love to hear stories again and again and the same goes for video. By watching a video several times children can learn by absorption and imitation.

All Young Learners
  • Video communicates meaning better than other media
    • Video presents language in context in ways that a cassette can't. Learners can see who's (or what's!) speaking, where the speakers are, what they're doing, etc. All these visual clues can help comprehension
  • Video represents a positive exploitation of technology
    • Teenagers, in particular, have a positive attitude towards television and video. It is seen as being 'modern' compared to books

Drawbacks There are however a couple of potential pitfalls that teachers should watch out for.
  • Passivity
    Children are used to passively watching TV at home on the sofa. Teachers should try to avoid learners 'switching off' in class when the video is switched on by providing stimulating activities where the child can interact with and learn from the video.
  • Parents
    This is linked to the above. Some parents may get annoyed when hearing their child has spent the class watching the TV 'as they can do that at home.' This can be prevented by ensuring that time actually watching the video is kept to a minimum and also by the children having something concrete to show to parents connected to the video: a worksheet, picture etc.

Role of video
Once the decision has been made to use a video in class, thought should be given as to what purpose the video is being used for i.e. the role of the video. The way the video is used and the materials prepared for use with the video will depend on the role the video is to take. Below are four possible roles for video. ( Adapted from Willis' 6 roles for video 1983: 45)
  • Developing listening skills
    Listening for global understanding, listening for detail.
  • To provide information
    To provide content relevant to students' needs and interests.
  • Presenting or reinforcing language
    Grammar, vocabulary, functions.
  • Stimulating language production
    Video used as a basis for discussion, a model for learners to follow, a visual aid.

A scheme of work using a video sequence may, however, encompass more than 1 of these roles. Learners may watch a video to find out information about, for example, a famous person. The same lesson may also include work on developing listening skills to enable learners to extract the relevant information. It could then could be used to develop vocabulary on the topic of 'lives'.

Criteria for selecting video When selecting an authentic video for use in the classroom certain general criteria should be kept in mind.
  • Watchability
    Is the video interesting? Would a young native speaker want to watch this video?
  • Completeness
    Tomalin (1991: 50) 'The ideal video clip…… tells a complete story or section of a story'. This idea of completeness is important for young learners whose primary motivation for watching a video is enjoyment.
  • Length
    The length of the clip is important, it shouldn't be too long, perhaps between 30 seconds and 10 minutes depending on the learning objective.
  • Appropriateness of Content
    The content should be suitable for Young Learners. How has the video been rated; 'Universal', 'Parental Guidance', for ages '13'or '18'? Would the video be suitable for viewing in all cultures?
  • Level of maturity
    Children mature very quickly so a group of 7-year-olds watching a video made for 5-year-olds would probably regard it as 'too babyish'. On the other hand using a video intended for older children with a group of younger children might lead to the children not being able to understand the concepts in the video.
  • Availability of Related Materials
    Many authentic videos now come with ready made materials that can be used for language teaching (Wallace and Gromit, the 'Speak Up' series of films in Spain.) Other videos may have been adapted from books, which could be used in the classroom to support the video. (The 'Spot' series and Eric Carlyle stories such as 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

If, however, the video is being used for presenting language or for comprehension tasks there are further factors which should be considered when selecting a video.
  • Degree of visual support
    A good idea is to choose scenes that are very visual. The more visual a video is, the easier it is to understand - as long as the pictures illustrate what is being said.
  • Clarity of picture and sound
    If the video has been copied from the television it is important to make sure both the picture and sound are clear.
  • Density of language
    This refers to the amount of language spoken in a particular time. Videos where the language is dense are more difficult for learners to comprehend.
  • Speech delivery
    'Clarity of speech, speech rate and accents are all factors in determining how difficult a video excerpt will be for students to comprehend.' Arcario (Undated: 115)
  • Language content
    'In using video to present language, an important factor to consider is the linguistic items (particular grammatical structures, language functions, or colloquial expressions) presented in the scene.' Arcario (Undated: 116)

    Another important factor is the amount of repetition of the language content. Authentic videos for young learners will often contain a lot of repetition. It is also useful to see if the linguistic content in the video can be linked to that of the language curriculum or the course book thus providing a way to integrate video work into the course as a whole.
  • Language level
    The language level of the video should be appropriate for the level of the class without the teacher having to explain too much.

Video types
  • Animation/cartoons
    Spider, Spot, Pingu, Mr Ben, Eric Carlyle stories, Wallace and Gromit series.
  • Educational programmes
    TV documentaries made for children about science/nature etc, Dinosaurs series, The Blue Planet
  • TV advertisements
  • Music
    Programmes about musicians, video clips
  • Drama
  • TV series/soaps for young people (especially good for seeing life in Britain, maybe not so easy to understand!)

Further Reading
Cooper R & M Lavery & M Rinvolucri Video Oxford: OUP (1991)

Allan M (1985) Teaching English with Video London: Longman
Longeran J (1984) Video in Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Stempleski S & P Arcario (undated) Video in Second Language Teaching and Learning TESOL Inc
Tomalin B (undated) 'Teaching young children with video' in Stempleski S & Arcario P (eds)


Classroom Interaction for Young Learner

Posted by Unknown
Definition of Classroom Management Classroom management refers to the ways in which student behaviour, movement and interaction during a lesson are organized and controlled by the teacher” Richards (1990, 10) . Definition of Discipline
  • To maintain order and to keep the group on task and moving ahead, not to spot and punish those students who are misbehaving.“( Greenwood and Parkay, 1989)
The best teachers anticipate when misbehaviours are likely to occur and intervene early to prevent them. The most effective interventions are subtle, brief and almost private. They do not, therefore interfere with classroom activities.
  • Causes of deviant behaviour (Cole and Chan, 1987)
Class Rules
  • At the beginning of the school year, establish the class rules.
  • Discuss Classroom rules with the students and consequences of misbehavior.
  • Post room rules and consequences of misbehavior.
Students’ Seating The way the students are seated in the classroom will often determine the dynamics of the lesson. Indeed, a simple change in the seating pattern can make an incredible difference to group coherence and student satisfaction. In many cases the seating has been a crucial element in the success or failure of the lesson. In some cases, the desks are fixed to the ground or the school has strict rules about not moving the furniture. Student numbers are also going to be an issue. Teachers have different preferences for seating arrangements – each group is seated round small tables is often one choice. This is probably the best option for the larger classes. For smaller numbers and with adult or teenage students I think the horseshoe shape, which I find has all of the advantages of groups, and none of the disadvantages. A horseshoe may be desks in a U-shape with a hollow centre, students in a semicircle on chairs with arm-rests and no desks, or students seated around three sides of a large table, with the teacher at one end. In any case, whatever seating pattern you choose or is imposed on you, the class is likely to be more successful if you keep the following principles in mind: Try and maximize eye contact. Make sure students are seated at a comfortable distance from each other. Think in advance about how you will organize changing partners or changing groups. Students’ Names
  • Make two sets of name tags – one for the child's table space or desk, and one for the child to wear around the neck to special classes.
  • Hang name tags on a hook by the door.
  • Make it private: call to desk, whisper, nonverbal cues.
  • Briefly talk to student/assess penalties.
  • Time out at desk or another room.
  • Communicate positive expectations to students: convey confidence in students’ ability to do well and maintain high expectations.
Teacher Talk & Drawing Attention
  • Don't speak when children aren't listening and ready. Wait.
  • Establish a signal for getting the group's attention:
  1. turn off the lights
  2. clap a pattern with your hands
  3. Say “Freeze!” and everyone halts right where they are, like a statue. Then say “Melt!” when you are ready for them to move again.
  • Practice numbers, in the beginning, even when children are doing well, just so they get the idea of how to respond to your signals. Then praise them.
Example: “One, two, three eyes on me”
  • Establish good listening habits for story time. Sometimes we read and listen, and sometimes we read and discuss, but we always listen.
Giving Instruction
  • It is better to make your instructions for primary students precise and concise.
  • Use puppets to help with classroom management. Puppets can whisper in the teacher's ear, and they can write messages to the class.
  • Compliment leadership in students. "Oh, I like the way Antonio is ready!" will cause everyone to turn to look at the ready student and to get ready also.
  • Use the same standards for everyone – no favorites!
Using Pair and Groupwork
  • One of the successful ways, if the teacher is resourceful and skilful enough, to motivate his/her students to participate in the lesson is to use “pair work” or “Group work” appropriately.
Language is best learned through the close collaboration and communication among students. This type of collaboration results in benefits for all or both learners. In fact, learners can help each other while working on different types of tasks such as writing dialogues, interviews, drawing pictures and making comments about them, play roles, etc… Setting Time Limits 1) You should set time to each activity when you are planning your lesson so that you would know if you would be able to finish your objectives or not. 2) You should tell your students about the time assigned for each activity when you give them a task to do in class. 3) Your students should gradually be aware of the importance of the time issue and respect it. Role Play
  • This is a technique to vary the pace of the lesson and to respond to the fundamental notion of variety in teaching. Teachers are advised to use the role- play activity in order to motivate their students and to help the less motivated learners take part in the lesson. Besides, certain tasks in the student’s book are followed by a role- play activity where it becomes a necessity to undergo such an activity. As good examples of that we can state: the hide (item) and guessing game, dramatizing an interview of customer and shop assistant, doctor and patient conversation, etc…
Tasks for Early Finishers
  • This especially happens when students finish an assignment while other students are still working on it. That’s why you need to include an “early finisher” activity with every assignment.
  • Think in advance for possible activities, options including extension activities related to the current topic, journal writing, silent reading, and educational games
Whole Class Feedback
  • Take a look at the following classroom exchange:
Whole class: He bought a sandwich. (Sea of noise in which the teacher hears the answer) Teacher: And number 4? Whole class: He drank orange juice. (Sea of noise in which the teacher hears the answer)
  • Sound familiar? How many times have you done feedback like this? Probably many. Why do we fall into the pattern of getting feedback in this way? Is it the easiest way? The quickest?
  • I began to realize that generally it was only the stronger or the more confident students who would shout out the answers. When I looked at individual student’s work, I saw that they didn’t always have the correct answer and, more importantly, they didn’t know what the correct answer was.
Feedback is better checked through each student’s response on a written form paper.

Sources :  http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/blogs/alexenoamen/classroom-management-young-learners

List lagu untuk pengajaran Bahasa Inggris

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014
Posted by Unknown
Berikut adalah daftar lagu - lagu yang bisa digunakan untuk pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk anak - anak, selain kirik yang mudah dihafal lirik dari lagu lagu berikut juga mudah difahami termasuk anak - anak, guru juga bisa menambahkan gerakan gerakan untuk menunjang proses belajar melalui lagu. Untuk download bisa langsung klik ke judul yang diinginkan. Happy Learning...

Download Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Laki-Laki
     (Songs for Little Boys)
  1. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Popeye The Sailorman
  2. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Baa Baa Black Sheep
  3. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Old Macdonald
  4. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Ten Little Indian
  5. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - This Old Man
  6. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - London Bridge
  7. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - My Little Airplane
  8. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Rain Rain Go Away
  9. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - On a Train
  10. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Fishing Fishing
  11. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Are You Sleeping
  12. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Dookey Dookey
  13. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Put Your Finger in the Air
  14. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Hey Come the Train
  15. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - It's a Small World
  16. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - I'm Going to London
  17. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - My Little Ponny
  18. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Goodbye Little Fish
  19. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - He's Got the Whole World in His Hand
  20. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
 Download Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris Untuk Perempuan
     (Song for Little Girl)
  1. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - The Alphabet Song
  2. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Doremi
  3. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Twinkle Little Star
  4. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Mary Had a Little Lamb
  5. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Lary and Her Little Doll
  6. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Lady Bird
  7. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Apple Tree
  8. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Doll Kingdom
  9. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Three Little Kitten
  10. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Doll of Clay
  11. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Fly Fly the Butterfly
  12. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Little Girl
  13. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Eight Little Baby Duck
  14. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Merry Goes Round
  15. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris -Happy Birthday
  16. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - If You are Happy
  17. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - My Bonnie
  18. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - You are My Sunshine
  19. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris - Sing a Song
  20. Lagu Anak Bahasa Inggris -Auld Lang Syn
Sources : http://tunasbumi.blogspot.com/2014/03/download-lagu-anak-bahasa-inggris.html

Contoh RPP Sekolah Dasar

Posted by Unknown
Kali ini saya ingin share contoh RPP Pendidikan Bahasa inggris untuk Sekolah Dasar.
Link bisa klik dibawah ini semoga bermanfaat.
Click here to download

Characteristics of Young Learners

Rabu, 23 Juli 2014
Posted by Unknown
When you are a teacher, you should know the characteristic of children, or the characteristic of young learner that you taught. Young learners mean children from the first year of formal schooling (5 or 6 year old) to eleven or twelve year age. Young learners have own special characteristics that differentiate them from adult learners. There should be known and understood by the teacher to give contribution to improve their quality of teaching and learning process. In relation to this, Halliwel (1992: 3-5) clarifies the characteristics of children; 
1. Children are already very good in interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding the individual word.
2. Children already have great skill in using limited language creativity.
3.  Children frequently learn indirectly rather than directly.
4.   Children take good pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do.
5.  Children have a ready imagination, children words are full of imagination and fantasy, and it is more than simply matter of enjoyment.
The characteristic of young learners mentioned by Clark (1990: 6-8):
a.    Children are developing conceptually: they develop their way of thinking from the concrete to the abstract thing.
b.  Children have no real linguistics, different from the adult learners that already have certain purpose in learning language, for instances, to have a better job, children rarely have such needs in learning a foreign language. They learn subject what school provide for them.
c.    Children are still developing; they are developing common skill such as turn talking and the use of body language.
d.    Young children very egocentric, they tend to resolve around themselves.       
e.    Children get bored easily. Children have no choice to attend school. The lack of the choice means that class activities need to be fun interesting and exciting as possible by setting up the interesting activities. 
Sources by : http://beddebah-haterulez.blogspot.com/2012/06/characteristic-of-young-learner.html


Posted by Unknown
Awal dari blog ini, yang pertama adalah admin ingin memperkenalkan sekilas tentang blog ini,mungkin sebagian masih bingung tentang blog "frenducation" ini, seperti potongan dari alamat blog, blog ini akan menyajikan informasi tentang dunia pendidikan terutama Pada Pendidikan anak usia dini atau Young Learners, blog ini akan terfokus pada pendidikan bahasa Inggris yang dikemas dengan bahasa indonesia dan bahasa Inggris yang mudah difahami oleh sobat sobat pengunjung. kami berharap sedikit banyak kami bisa memberikan informasi informasi yang berguna, tentunya tidak jauh dari dunia Pendidikan terutama Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, yang kita rasa saat ini cukup penting untuk diberikan terutama pada anak anak usia dini, agar mereka dapat menjawab tantangan global dikemudian hari.

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui pada tahun 2014, status Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Sekolah Dasar telah menjadi pelajaran Ekstra, dengan demikian bahasa inggris menjadi subjek yg non pokok, namun ini tetap tergantung pada bagaimana Sekolah menerapkan pendidikan tersebut.

Jadi dengan adanya blog ini, kami berharap bisa membantu teman teman untuk saling berbagi informasi tentang pendidikan anak usia dini, atau pendidikan anak usia muda.selamat belajar dan sampai jumpa di postingan berikutnya.